Python programming|| modules|| pip|| comments

Python programming || Modules || Comments || PIP #part 2

Python programming

Let's write our first python program create a file called and paste the below Code in it.



    print('Hello, world!')


Print is function in python programming.

Execute this file by typing python and you will see hello word output on your screen.


A Modules is a file containing code written by someone else which can be imported and used in our programs.


Pip is package manager for python you can use pip to install a module on your system.

Type of modules

  1. Built in modules (pre installed in python)
  2. External modules (need to install using pip)


Comments are used to write something which the programmer does not to execute.

Type of comments

  1. Single line comment (written using #)
  2. Multi line comment (written using ''' comments ''')

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