Network Topologies || Computer Network || Networking

Network Topologies

Coding master, computer networking, network Topologies

What is Network Topologies ??

Topology of a network refer to the way in which the network's nodes are linked together. 

Name of Topologies

  • Star Topology
  • Ring Topology
  • Completely connected Network
  • Multi access Bus topology
  • Hybrid topology

Star Topology

It has multiple nodes connected to a host node. That is, the nodes in the network are linked to each other through the host node and can communicate only via the host node. 

The routing function is performed by the host node that centrally control communication between any two other node by establishing a logical path between them.

Coding master, computer networking, network Topologies

Ring Topology

In which each node has two communicating subordinates, but there is no master node for controlling other nodes. A node receives Data from one of its two adjacent nodes. The only decision a node has to take is whether the data is for its own use.

Coding master, computer networking, network Topologies

Completely connected Network

It has a separate physical link for connecting each node to any other node. Hence, each node has a direct link, called point to point link, with all other nodes in the network. The control is distributed with each node deciding its communication priorities.

Coding master, computer networking, network Topologies

Multi access Bus topology

Multi access Bus topology, in which all nodes share a single transmission medium. That is, all nodes are attached to the same communication line. When a node want to send a message to another node, it appends destination address to the message and check whether communication line is free. As soon as line becomes free, it broadcast the message on the line. As the message travel on the line, each node checks whether the message is addressed to it. 

Coding master, computer networking, network Topologies

Hybrid Network

A hybrid Network that is a combination of two or more different network Topologies.

Coding master, computer networking, network Topologies

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