Introduction to C Programming Languages || C Programming Language || #part 1
C is general purpose, High level programming language. Brian kernighan and Dennis Ritchie created it at AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1972 for writing the UNIX operating system.
Features of C Programming language
- It is reliable, simple, and easy to use.
- It has the virtues of a high level programming language with the efficiency of an assembly language.
- It supports user defined data type for greater flexibility in programming.
- It supports modular and structured programming concepts.
- It supports a rich library of functions that can be used directly by programmers.
- It supports pointers with pointer operations.
Some Important Function of C Programming
- Character Set
- Constants
- Variables
- Keywords
- Comment
Character Set
There are only 93 character with which all C programs are written.
A constant is a value that never change. For example, 8, 15, -256, and 10000 are constants.
A C variables is entity whose value may vary during program execution. For example, in the expression I = I + 5, I is a variable because it can assume different values at different times during program execution.
Keywords are pre defined words in a programming language whose meanings are known to the compilers of the language.
A comment statement in C is enclosed within /* and */ . Recall that comments helps a programmer to document within a program itself what a program or some specific section of a program does.
All above functions we learn deeply in next part of Post.