Introduction to C Programming Languages || C Programming Language || #part 1

Introduction to C Programming Languages || C Programming Language || #part 1


C is general purpose, High level programming language. Brian kernighan and Dennis Ritchie created it at AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1972 for writing the UNIX operating system.

Features of C Programming language

  1. It is reliable, simple, and easy to use.
  2. It has the virtues of a high level programming language with the efficiency of an assembly language.
  3. It supports user defined data type for greater flexibility in programming.
  4. It supports modular and structured programming concepts.
  5. It supports a rich library of functions that can be used directly by programmers.
  6. It supports pointers with pointer operations.

Some Important Function of C Programming

  • Character Set
  • Constants
  • Variables
  • Keywords
  • Comment

Character Set

There are only 93 character with which all C programs are written.


   A constant is a value that never change. For example, 8, 15, -256, and 10000 are constants. 


    A C variables is entity whose value may vary during program execution. For example, in the expression I = I  + 5, I is a variable because it can assume different values at different times during program execution.


  Keywords are pre defined words in a programming language whose meanings are known to the compilers of the language.


   A comment statement in C is enclosed within /* and */ . Recall that comments helps a programmer to document within a program itself what a program or some specific section of a program does.

All above functions we learn deeply in next part of Post.

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