HTML Center Tag, Font Tag, HR Tag, I Tag, Link Tag, Marquee Tag, #Part 4

HTML Center Tag, Font Tag, HR Tag, I Tag, Link Tag, Marquee Tag, #Part 4

Codepocket ,HTML Center Tag, Font Tag, HR Tag, I Tag, Link Tag, Marquee Tag, #Part 4

Center Tag

       Center Tag is used for center any object in HTML.

<center>This Text is Shown in Center<center>

Font Tag

      Font Tag is used for Text to make text stylish using different font family.


Face : name of font family

Ex. face="Times New Roman"

Some Name of Font Family

Arial (sans-serif)

Verdana (sans-serif)

Helvetica (sans-serif)

Tahoma (sans-serif)

Trebuchet MS (sans-serif)

Times New Roman (serif)

Georgia (serif)

Garamond (serif)

Courier New (monospace)

Brush Script MT (cursive)

Size : Size of the font

Ex. size="5"

<font face="Times New Roman" size="5>Code Pocket</font>

HR Tag (Horizontal)

    HR Tag is used for creat horizontal line in HTML pages.


Width : width of the line

Ex. width="50"

Size : size of the line

Ex. size="5"

Color : color of line

Ex. color="#ff0000"

<hr width="50 size="5 color="#ff0000>

I Tag (Italics)

     I Tag is used to make text italics.

<i> text in italics style</i>

Link Tag

         Link Tag is used for link any files in HTML webpages. It is declare in <head></head> Tags between.


Rel : Show the relation

Ex. rel="stylesheet"

Type : Show the type

Ex. type="text/css"

Href : link of any files

Ex. href="demo.css"

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demo.css">

Marquee Tag

        This Tag is used to animate Text in HTML page.


Background Colors 

Ex. bgcolor="cccccc"


Ex. loop="-1"

Scroll amount

Ex. scrollamount="2"

<Marquee bgcolor="cccccc" loop="-1" scrollamount="2">Welcome to Code Pocket</Marquee>

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